“There is no obligation for God to answer you, to inform you, or to let you know anything.” ~ Pastor John Collins

From John Collins Ministries:

People ask “Does God answer prayers?” Well, of course He does. But sometimes God’s silent, and as believers, we’ve all been there or we will be. We will earnestly seek God, but in return only sense and only acknowledge His silence and the silence is difficult when it comes to God. It’s frustrating and it makes you wonder why and if there really is one to a lot of people.  Now the Bible tells a story of a man named Job who was well acquainted with God’s silence.  In Job’s pain and suffering, he cried out to God, he asked for answers and he kept asking.  But for the first thirty seven chapters of the book of Job, now understand, the first thirty seven chapters, his cry for God’s help and relief are met only by God’s deafening silence.

Now, as Christians, we are not always going to hear God’s voice, but from Job we can learn a few practical things to do when God is quiet in our lives. The first one is to examine your life. Begin by asking yourself, and this is important, “is there any unconfessed sin in my life?” Make sure nothing is blocking you from being able to hear God’s voice and getting His will. In Psalm 66:18 it says: If I had not confessed a sin in my heart, my Lord would not have listened. This requires looking deeply sometimes in our lives to find out if we are trying to deceive God, because remember, God knows if you’re sitting there drinking a cold beer or a glass of wine or doing whatever you’re doing, you’re thinking “one won’t hurt, God won’t know.” Yes, He does. God brings things into our minds. Just ask for forgiveness. And remember, there is no shame in repentance.  That’s part of it. This act of faith pleases God and restores our fellowship with Him. So, if you need to repent, please while you’re still breathing, please repent. I’ve just had a friend die here in the last four days, I hope he repented, I’m not sure of that, but I sure hope so because once your eyes close, that’s it. 

Recognize that God can be silent.  There is no obligation for God to answer you, to inform you, or to let you know anything. You’re not God. God is said to be absolutely free. The knowledge of the Holy, because no one and nothing can hinder Him or compel Him or stop Him, He is able to do as He pleases always everywhere forever through eternity. Like us, Job faced the choice of acknowledging or rejecting the authority of God. Now, in response to his suffering and loss, Job’s wife suggested he curse God and die. A lot of people do that. Might take them a few years….they don’t get what they want….the heck with God, He ruined my life, He doesn’t know what He is doing…..oh He doesn’t know my life, He ruined it.  I haven’t been able to go do anything because of what God wanted me to do. Instead of following her advice, Job chose to let God be God.  Imagine that. Let God be God in our lives.  Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad, he asked, Job 2:10. Now accepting God’s authority also means actively trusting God. Realizing, no matter what we think, He is in control and can be trusted. And in the long run, it is going to be worth it. “Though He may slay me, I will hope in Him” says Job, Job 13:15. Nothing in Job’s life or in our life happens apart from God’s knowledge and plan. 

We learned in the beginning of the book of Job, God was fully aware of all the things that were going to happen to Job. In fact, He gave Satan permission to do these things to Job’s life. Remember that. Listen to what God is saying.  Although God may seem silent regarding a specific request, remember, He is in a constant state of communication with us if we will listen. In fact, it is possible that you already have your answer from God, you just don’t want to deal with it because it is not suiting your earthly reasons right now. The Bible is full of them. Full of what is right and wrong. It’s full of information about God’s character and His intention for us as His children and His followers. So let’s not forget to dig into God’s Word. It’s His written communication to us, to find out what He has to say about the problems that you’re facing or the questions you are asking. We all have questions.  Something doesn’t go away, we want to know why. As you read the Bible, ask God to speak through you, He will.

Recognize that silence is not always bad.

Silence can also be a sign of God’s trust in you. The gospel of John tells a story about Jesus’ friends Lazarus, Mary and Martha.  Jesus found out that Lazarus was ill, rather than rush to him and heal him, He stayed where He was for two more days. John 11:16 tells us that before Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had died. To Lazarus’ sisters, Mary and Martha, Jesus’ silence could have been interpreted as neglect, that Jesus did not care enough to want to help them. This is what many of our emotions think right now, today, that, oh, God doesn’t care, it’s not going our way, that He’s not listening to our cries for help. That’s not true. But in Jesus’ silence, we along with Mary and Martha are drawn into a new closeness to God and understanding of His power.  Four days after he died, Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus, showing His power. When you cannot hear God, you will find that He has trusted you in the most intimate way possible. He believes that you are going to do the right thing. And with absolute silence, not with absolute despair, but one of the pleasures, because He saw what you could do. Now some people don’t do what God thinks they are going to do, that’s the problem. That’s not God, that’s you. That’s you.

Now for Job, God’s silence was also the result of the depth of their relationship. When Satan approached God, God said “Have you considered my servant Job? And there is none like him on earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil.” Job 1:18. Just because God seems silent doesn’t mean you should doubt or stop praying. God’s silence is not a license for us to turn our backs on Him. Instead, it’s an invitation to press forward and seek Him even more diligently.  In Psalms, crying out to God, David said “Oh my God, I cried by day, but you do not answer and by night, but I feel no rest.” Psalm 22:2. Job also continually cries out to God asking Him for answers. For pages and pages of the book of Job God is silent. But in chapter 38, God answers and He questions Job.  “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?” asked God. “Tell me if you have understanding.” God is in control and has been all along.  He heard Job’s cry for help.  In trust, He waited for the perfect time to speak. Job was reminded of that. 

I’m going to go back to Jesus for a minute. Jesus.  In theology we learn a lot of things, but one thing that I don’t think a lot of people quite understand is that Jesus had hundreds, if not thousands, of followers. They were called disciples. But He only had twelve apostles. You read through the gospels and the epistles and you find out that they kept falling off at the wayside, they didn’t want to hear, they didn’t want to be around, and they wanted nothing to do with Him because they wanted it their way. It’s like the rich man came to Him and asked what do I need to do to follow you?  He said sell all your stuff, give it to people and come on.  He said, but I can’t, my father worked for that, it’s mine. That’s how people think right now, they will forget all the good things that God did to them. That time that you didn’t have the wreck when there is no way you shouldn’t have, the time you couldn’t walk because you hurt, the adultery that you committed that God’s forgiven, the times when you were very promiscuous when you were younger, signs that He’s shown you, the healings that He’s shown you, you’ll forget all those things because, guess what, it didn’t happen to you today. So you forget a year ago, or five years ago, or ten years ago, you forget that you were blessed enough to have gotten something that most people don’t get. That is an absolute miracle from God, He doesn’t pass them out like candy. He passes them out to those He knows will do the right thing.

Here’s a news flash, God knows how long it’s going to take for you to do the right thing. I don’t believe that you are in store for blessings until you can get your heart right and deal with it in the right manner. And I do believe that. In Romans 1:21, it says although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God. That’s the same thing with His Son, just because you know Him, doesn’t mean you glorified Him, and this is the basic expression of the root sin of pride which is the core of men and women’s fallen state. While this may not seem like a serious sin to you, it’s a sin in the eyes of God.  It was a failure to glorify God that resulted in adultery and immoral living for King Belshazzar.  The prophet Daniel came to him with a reproof.  And in Romans 1:21 it says “nor were thankful but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened.” This is a step down from what God wants from us. “Professing to the wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incomparable God into an image made by that corruptible man, birds, and four footed animals and creeping things.” Romans 1:22-23.

When God is removed from your life, something or someone must take His place. People get into books, they get into movies, they get into thinking they want something better, they get into fleshly thoughts, they get into “why me.” We go back to the people that followed Jesus, some of them actually left the area and went to other places because they didn’t want to be around Him because they had to be too good….I don’t want to do that, I don’t want to be hovered, I don’t want to be suffocated.  That’s not the way to be righteous, people. That’s not even the way to be liked by God I don’t believe.  When God is removed from your life, something or someone does take His place.

You just have to believe, go to Romans 1:28, “Even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting, being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness, they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things,” people are going to go ‘but I don’t hate God, I still love Him and fear Him.’ If you didn’t hate Him and you loved Him and you feared Him, then you wouldn’t be doing what you’re doing now, would you? You would be trying to cling to what you can in reference to God. You wouldn’t be trying to run away from Him, you’d be trying to get closer to Him more and more, because remember, things happen in God’s time. All you have to do is change your mindset. Remember what the beginning of this said, is that is there anything in you that you haven’t repented of? Is there anything there that you need to? Do you need to cleanse your soul again, do you need to get closer to God, do you need to get closer to His Son, do you need to come home, do you need to do the right things, because swaying and becoming of this world will get you what I hope you don’t want, and that’s eternity in a fiery pit.

Pastor John Collins, John Collins Ministries.




From John Collins Ministries:

Today I’m going to ask you a question:  Are you willing to die for Jesus? 

How would you respond if somebody placed a gun to your head and asked “Are you willing to die for Jesus?” If you’re like most believers in Christ, you’re going to go “Yeah, absolutely.” Really?  Because the majority of the people are so full of themselves and they’re hypocrites, if somebody actually put a gun to your head or threatened to cut your head off, that you would absolutely deny Jesus.  Well, guess what, that very thing happens today, overseas with terrorists.  They literally put guns and knives to people and say “deny Christ, and I’ll  let you live.” What would you do?

What would you do? This threat more than likely isn’t going to happen to you, but what if it did? What if you woke up every morning with the possibility of facing death because of your faith in Jesus. What would you do?

I’m going to tell you what the Bible says to do. The Bible in Luke says “if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me, for whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.”  That’s in the Bible, that’s in Luke.  I believe that a key work in this verse that gives us a clue on how we are to respond is to take a look at the phrase of take up your cross daily.


That word tells me all I need to know. Daily.  For those of us not facing a threat on our very lives, we are commanded to die for Jesus. We are not going to die in the sense that they would, you’re still going to die spiritually.  Jesus specifically said we are to take up our cross on a daily basis. That means every day, all day long, it doesn’t mean 23 ½ hours. It means a 24-hour a day Christian. It means all day, as a follower of the Son of God, we are to die daily of our own selfishness, our own selfish desires, our own goals, our own dreams, and instead we are supposed to live for God’s desires, God’s goals, God’s dreams that He has for us.  We are not supposed to be blaming God for everything that happens in our lives, we supposed to be praising Him, but if something bad comes, we are still supposed to praise Him because we know He is going to get us through it.  He’s just testing you! He’s just trying to see what you’re going to do. 

Could you imagine the apostles out there in that storm?  Could you imagine in that boat where it could have capsized? Not believing that Jesus could actually stop the storm? Well, they believed Him, and the storm was stopped.  The storm in your life could stop right now.  Right now, today. But I want you to think about it. I want you to think about your goals and your dreams that make up your vision for your life.

Ask yourself something. Is that what Jesus would want for your life, is that what the Son of God would want for your life? What is the root of each of your desires? Most people live in their own lives, in their own little heads, they live about: “oh, I want to look better,” “oh, I want more money,” “oh, I want a better car, I want better this,” “do these pants fit me very well?” “I want to lose weight,” or “I need to put on a few pounds,” “how do I look? How’s my hair? The grey hair is showing.” – I’m guilty of that one. But we need to step back and stop and think about it, what’s in it for God, not what’s in it for us.

I know somebody that sometimes they’ll give God two or three minutes of his time, and think that’s good. That’s not good, that’s bad.  And if you’re honest, if you’re honest with yourself, ask the question to yourself, would you die for Jesus? We are supposed to die for Jesus daily! Every day! We are supposed to take up the cross every day! In Matthew it says, first, we are told in scripture, we are told to be examples. We are to be examples to those in the world who do not know God. And we look around the world today, there’s a lot of people falling short of the glory of God! “in the same way, let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.” That’s Matthew 5:17. In Colossians, it says, whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not men, knowing that you will receive the reward of inheritance from the Lord you serve.

In John, it says the man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  I’m going to tell you something right now, there’s a heaven and a hell.  A lot of people want to blame God for their lives, if they are blaming Him, that means they believe in Him. And if you believe in Him, you believe in His Son, you believe in that, you believe that there is a heaven and there’s a hell. That means you’re either going up or you’re going down, and it’s going to depend on what you do every single day of your life. 

What do you want to do! Good God Almighty, what do you want to do with your life?  Do you want to be that same sinner that’s only wanting to give God two minutes here two minutes there, or do you want to be the Godly person that’s going to give God all day, because God demands all day?  Are you going to be that person that sits back in the chair, whines and complains and gripes and moans and says all about the pain and agony and the blues, but you don’t want a pill? Swallow that pill of sorrow. You want that pill of pride, you don’t want to swallow that pill, you want to be your own self person. You want to look better for you. You want other people looking at you. You understand what I’m saying?  You want to do this, or you want to do that, but that’s not the desire of God.  What does God want for you?  How are you supposed to serve God if you are more concerned with what you look like, or what you want to do? Is it really a Godly thing what you want to do? Can you imagine when you go to sleep tonight looking up at the ceiling going “God did I serve you right today?  Did I give you more than a couple of minutes of alone time with you? Did I carry that cross?”  That cross is HEAVY sometimes. It’s a burden. It is a heavy burden to carry that cross. But we are supposed to. The Bible tells us to. The Bible tells us a lot of things that people don’t want to listen to anymore because there are too many people out there telling them that life is okay.

I’m going to tell you something right now!  We are closer to the Son of God coming then the actual apostles were that followed Jesus Christ on this earth!  Are you aware of that? Every minute is a minute closer, and I’m going to tell you something else right now, I believe God’s ready.  I believe we are ready for that new ray of sunshine, I believe we are ready for a change in the world. I’m going to tell you something else, God never left the miracle business. God never left our sides, God never left you when you needed Him the most. You might blame Him, you might think He has, but He hadn’t.  He just wants to know what you are going to do.  Are you going to deny? Are you going to give up your own desires to start doing what God desires for you so that you can get into the kingdom of Heaven, because that’s where everybody ought to go, I’m telling you right now! Think about the greatest thing that you could ever think of in your mind, and that’s heaven.  Think about the worst thing imaginable that could ever happen to your life and multiply it by a hundred billion and that probably isn’t even as bad as hell is. So you have to decide right now what one you want?  You want heaven? Or you want hell?  You want your family to be with you when you go to heaven? Or do you want to miss out on all the glory because they are there and you’re not because you decided that this world and this earth and this lifespan that you have right now, you’re going to take advantage of by doing your thing, by being lustful, by being vain, by being greedy, by blaming God for everything, by only giving Him two or three minutes of your time every now and again instead of giving Him your full attention all of the time.  That’s what the Bible requires, that’s what scripture requires, and I guarantee you right now as I’m preaching to you, those apostles that followed Jesus Christ I actually believe are looking down and saying whoa, what’s he talking about? It’s about time somebody is saying something about what they are supposed to do instead of saying “everything is all fluffy all you have to do is believe because John 3:16 says so, and I’m going to get real wealthy off these people because they are going to listen to me because I’m going to make them feel good.” 

I want you to feel good too, I want you to feel good about your faith, I want you to feel good about the time you’re going to start spending with God, I want you to feel good about knowing that the time is at hand, that times are about to change, there’s a new era coming, we will go back to old time religion we are going to take it back to the bones, we are going to take it back to where it was supposed to be, back before other churches ruined it all.  We’re going to give it back to God, then we are going to run with it and we are going to do good things.

Think about this for a minute.  Is God worth more than a couple minutes of your time, a couple of times a week? Lord have mercy if that’s all you’re giving Him, because you’re in a lot of trouble.

See more at John Collins Ministries, Contact Pastor John Collins at