REVIVAL! One person at a time, one church at a time ~ Pastor John

From John Collins Ministries:

One person at a time, one church at a time!!

John Collins Ministries is rolling out REVIVAL to redeem the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is SAD that it has to be done, and it’s time for it to be done!

I invite all readers to go to the links below and follow or subscribe and become part of the revival! Let’s get the Word out there, the TRUTH, not the tickling of congregations’ ears!

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THANK YOU, God bless you, Pastor John.


People complain “oh it didn’t go my way.” I knew a man 2000 years ago it didn’t go His way either, He knew He had to do it. ~ Pastor John Collins, John Collins Ministries

From John Collins Ministries:

Living from paycheck to paycheck is a struggle. People think that Jesus never had to struggle.  I had somebody tell me one time “Jesus wouldn’t have done that”, wouldn’t have done what? Jesus was homeless, the Bible teaches us that:  Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head (Luke 9: 5-8, NKJV).

It’s ok if sometimes we’re tired!  Jesus was tired.  He didn’t have a car, He didn’t have a horse, and He didn’t have camel. He had His feet, and he walked from place to place to place evangelizing. He walked with people throwing rocks at Him. He walked with the threat of being robbed around every rock or corner.  He didn’t know where He was going to lay His head, the Bible tells us that!

But you’ve got it bad. 

Jesus didn’t know what it was like to be betrayed. Well, His family betrayed Him. In Mark 3:21, His whole family said Jesus is out of His mind. One of His closest friends denied Him three times.  And another so-called friend sold Him out for thirty pieces of silver. That’s tough times.

Jesus knew what it was like to have sorrow. When Lazarus died, John 11:35 says “Jesus wept”.  Luke 19:41 says Jesus drew near to the city Jerusalem, He wept over it because of the corruption in the city. He was rejected by men, He was rejected by His peers at the synagogue, He was rejected by every priest, and more importantly, He was rejected by everybody in His home town.

Jesus was tempted.  Satan, constantly.

Jesus knew what it was like to suffer.

There was a man, who was in His early 30’s, who wasn’t an ordinary man.  He was a man of perfection.  He was a man that was justified to do everything that He did because God gave Him the authority to do it. Here was a man that could heal a leper.  Here was a man that could raise the dead, here’s a man that could save your soul!  You know what happened to that man? He got arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, He was taken to the temple and He was slapped.  When He asked them what He did, they couldn’t tell Him, but they punched Him and He bled like a man. Then they whipped Him over and over and over.  You have to think that every one of those lashes Jesus was thinking “I’m doing this for Tanner and Shelby, for Pastor Carter, I’m doing this for Pastor John and the guy next door, but I’m doing this because I know it has to be done! I will carry the burden of everybody’s sin to give them the chance for the kingdom of Heaven.“ It wasn’t over yet.  He carried His own Cross.   It was HEAVY!! Then He got up on that Cross……Three spikes like in railroad ties….Bang-bang-bang. 3 nails + 1 Cross = 4-given!! Then when He died, He said it was finished….He meant it!  He took our sins!!! He stamped me and you paid in full!!! Receipt owed zero!! We owe Him nothing. He did it because He loved us! That’s why He did it.

People complain “oh it didn’t go my way.”  I knew a man 2000 years ago it didn’t go His way either, He knew He had to do it. Life’s hard, we know it is, that’s why we fellowship together.


Don’t let somebody ruin your God! Pastor John Collins, John Collins Ministries

In my entire life, I’ve never met somebody that didn’t have something in their past that they didn’t like.  I’ve never met somebody that didn’t have some type of skeleton in their closet, something that if they were given the chance, they would do differently, something that if they keep looking back on, that it is prohibiting them from going forward and God would want them to go forward. Now a lot of times, it’s family. You’ve done something to your family or your family is holding you under this negative light that you can’t move forward on your journey with God.  I’ve got a real good solution with that.  Jesus said “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword”….to separate. (Matthew 10:34 KJV). Meaning, I came to separate the unrighteous from the righteous.  The ones that want to follow away from the ones that never will. If you don’t know how to fully let your past go, you are going to be stuck grounded right where you are at. Whether you have fully accomplished everything that God wanted you to or not, you won’t because you are stuck backwards. We are supposed to not dwell on what yesterday was and start looking forward to what today is. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (KJV).  I hold true to that for people. I don’t want to ever have somebody in a church that I am pastoring, or at a revival, or at a crusade to stand up and tell me, “Hi, my name’s Joe, I’m a recovering alcoholic”. If you are Joe that has accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you’re Joe the Christian!!! You’re not a recovering anything!!! You don’t hear people who have fallen off the church bandwagon go back and say “yeah, I’m Joe, I’m a recovering Christian!”  Use your testimonial of your past in situations like that to glorify God how you overcame it.  Don’t use it as a crutch for other people to use against you.

I don’t care if you were a drug addict, addicted to porn, a prostitute, or a drunk; I care about who you are today and I care what you want to be tomorrow.  All that other stuff is irrelevant.  We are on the same journey here, folks: the journey of peace; the journey to get us all into the kingdom of heaven.  Sometimes we need the encouragement of other people to let us know that it’s ok. Everything is going to be ok. You can either stay fully bound to your past, continue to throw your own personal pity parties, and blame everybody except yourself, and that is a big problem.  People want to blame all their problems on somebody other than themselves.

Sometimes you have to clean out your closet, people.  Everyone that is around you isn’t good for you. Make sure you’re in a crowd that’s going to benefit you in your journey with God. Maybe the way that you act, maybe the way that you turn that corner will show them what it is like to be God’s, to be Christian. That is the ultimate goal of what I think a church should be.  We are here to help everybody, to help thy neighbor, to love thy neighbor, console people when they need it. Get people’s knees dirty and get their hands heavy.  We are not here to judge anybody.  God’s not hiring in the judging department.

Luke 9:62 (KJV):  Jesus said “No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God!”  Stop dwelling! the decisions that you’ve made to be a Christian and to follow God, the repentance that you’ve done to get to the point that you’re at today is enough!  Move forward. “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. (Philippians 3:12-13, NKJV). We all go through things in our life we are not proud of.  We all lose friends because of things that have happened.  We lose family members because of things that have happened. I would rather lose a family member and a friend than to be locked out of the kingdom of heaven. Think about that.  Don’t let somebody ruin your God!


Remember, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem ~ Pastor John Collins, John Collins Ministries

From John Collins Ministries:

We are in a time of the year right now, where out of all the times of the year, this is the time that more people are depressed and more people attempt or do actually commit suicide. I think we need to let people realize that no matter how bad the situation is, there is a solution – and the solution is NOT taking your own life, hurting yourself or hurting others, or doing something that you will regret in the future. 

Remember, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

I know that everybody gets depressed every now and again. I think that we as Christians, we as people of the body of Christ, and just as human beings, we need to reach out to these people that are having a problem. We need to be open to listen to them with open minds and open arms, we need to do everything that we can in our power to help them. These people are real, their problems are real, nobody handles the same problem the same way as somebody else.  You can’t go to somebody and say “I know what you are going through” because you don’t. They have their own individual problems and they need loved, they need held, they need talked to, they need cried with, they need sympathy and empathy, they need for people to just let them know “it’s going to be ok.”  There’s a supporting cast to help you.

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of their troubles.”  Psalm 34:17 (NKJV).

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers they shall not overflow you.” Isaiah 43:2. (NKJV).

“For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life.  Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5 (NKJV).

Remember that your tears tonight could be joy tomorrow.  Let’s make sure that you are here tomorrow for that joy. Being depressed and having a mental problem isn’t a sin. There are certain things that happen in our lives.  We have to overcome them, but we have to overcome them together.  This is a very serious issue, so I’m telling anybody right now, if you are battling depression this time of the year, or you think that life can’t go on, you think the worst about everything, call somebody.  For the love of GOD call me!!!  I will be more than happy to give you as much time as you need!  Call your aunt, your uncle, call whoever you need to call. But try to get your mind back right!!!

During these times of troubles, you don’t think anyone loves you. Trust me people, they love you.  You think that nobody wants you, trust me, they want you, and God wants you! You’ve got to be strong right now, and courageous and the Bible says: blessed is God who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.  (2 Corinthians 1:4, NKJV).

Anybody who knows somebody, or if it’s you, prayer does help.  People help. Don’t do something you will regret.  You can laugh tomorrow.  If you are depressed, you don’t laugh.  You don’t think about tomorrow, you don’t think about your wife or your husband or your kids or your parents or your grandparents. You just think that the worst thing that can happen can happen.  That’s not the truth.  The truth is that there are people that love you and people that want the best for you and people out there that will help you.

I implore you right now, if you’re depressed, it’s not a sin to be depressed. It’s not something to be ashamed of. The shame is if you do something negative with it.  The heroic thing is that you seek help, and you get the help that you need so tomorrow you can laugh and enjoy life.

God bless you, Pastor John


From John Collins Ministries:

In the early 1600’s, a ship set sail to a free world called America.  I think everybody knows the story of the Mayflower, but maybe they don’t understand what happened on the Mayflower that makes it just a very remarkable journey. The Mayflower ship was a ship that wasn’t equipped to hold people. It was for animals, and it was a ship that was meant to go from small port to small port, not to make a full journey across the ocean.  They took these 102 people and other than the crew, they lived downstairs at the very bottom of the ship in very tight quarters with no privacy whatsoever, no bathrooms, restrooms, nothing. They were at sea for 66 days.  For 66 days they wore the same clothes, they had to go to the restroom in wooden buckets, and those buckets had to be taken and thrown overboard to be cleaned. Certain days the winds were so high and so fierce that the ship actually went backwards in the ocean to lose them time. Where they lived down below was very moist, there was a lot of sickness there.  But, only one person died! Unfortunately, that one person because there was no way to bury them was just thrown over the ship, put into the ocean, no formal burial, nothing. One person gave birth on the ship! But the problem arose because of the dampness of the bottom of the ship, they had oats (their drink was whiskey, wine and beer because they didn’t trust water) and they had coffee. Midway through the voyage, their oats developed maggots and so did their coffee grounds because of the moisture in the air. After a few days they got tired because of the darkness, they couldn’t really see down there real well.  They say that the cabin was only about five feet tall, everybody was moving around if they moved at all in very tight quarters.  So, they just started drinking and eating the maggots.  That’s how bad this voyage was. 

They were coming to a land in Virginia ( I know, you guys think ‘you’re not a very smart pastor if you think they landed in Virginia!’). They didn’t land in Virginia.  That was their original destination.  They blew off course. Now Miles Standish and William Bradford were very religious men, very prayerful men aboard the Mayflower.  There was death, there was decay on that ship. But every day they bowed their heads and they thanked God for an opportunity like that. Could you imagine today thanking God for eating food with maggots in it, drinking coffee with maggots in it, and throwing your dead overboard, being sick constantly, living in the dark, not having any privacy, not having a rest room, having to go in front of people on a small wooden pail! But every day they thanked an almighty God for allowing them the opportunity to be free and to express their religious beliefs freely at the start of a new journey in a new world that they knew was going to be glorious!!

They land on Plymouth Rock.  The first thing they do when they get off the ship is they find the biggest rock they could find, and they bent over it and they prayed and they kissed it. They prayed and thanked God! They thanked Him for everything they went through because it made them stronger. They thanked Him for what He’s going to do for them, good or bad, they thanked Him.  They didn’t know what they were going to do, they had no clue.  They heard about these fierce, rebellious Indians and they’ll have to learn their language.  Lo and behold it wasn’t long after their prayer that an Indian approached them, speaking English. It just so happens that there were Indians over there that had been slaves in England and had made the trip over prior so they knew their language. So they had very few that they could communicate with.  Now if you don’t think that’s an act of God, I don’t know what is.  They knew to be thankful. That’s where we come up with the first Thanksgiving.

President George Washington, a lot of people don’t know, but Washington was a very religious man. After every victory, he prayed and thanked God.  Before every battle, he prayed and asked God for help during that. He made it a point, win lose or draw, soldiers lost on either side, he made it a point to get on his knees with his troops to thank God! And that’s what we need to do.  Thanksgiving isn’t about one day a year going “thanks God, appreciate it!” We should do that every day, every day of our lives should be a thank you to God for letting us enjoy that day of life!

Ephesians 5:20 (KJV) says: “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We have to be thankful to God for everything that He is given, everything that He is going to do!!

Colossians 2: 6-7 (KJV) says: “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”

Grab your family, hug them, pray with them, thank them, pray to God together, thank Him.  He is the decision maker. So this Thursday, when you sit at your kitchen table with your family, don’t take it for granted, it may be the last one you get, we don’t know. If you love your wife or your husband, tell them.  If you love your children, tell them, and that feeling of peace you get when you sit at that table and everyone is together and you say grace, you can’t tell me you can’t feel that, that you can’t feel that every day of your life! That’s called accepting God. It’s accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, every day, every day of your life!  And we are all going to go through it, one day we are going to wake up and go “oh no, something is bad”, you’re going to worry about this bill or that bill, or some problem and we’re going to wonder what in the world can we to do?!?…get on your knees.  Get on your knees and pray!  It will be ok. And if you are in a church that loves you and that loves God, trust me, your family inside this church will make it ok.  That’s church. Because we believe in the Thanksgivings that God gives us.  Every day. George Washington proclaimed the first Thanksgiving ever.  It didn’t catch hold until like in 1941 or 1942 when it was made a national holiday. Our presidents and the great men that wrote this country’s Constitution stamped this country a country of “In GOD we trust!” Not man! We trust God.  We give our faith to an almighty God! Through Him we can’t fail.  There’s no failure in God! There’s no failure in the blood of Jesus Christ.  We are under grace.  Don’t take it for granted. Thursday’s Thanksgiving.  Don’t take it for granted. Thanks be to GOD!!

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